Well, the best place I visited on the imaginary field trip funded by Simon was “Kew Gardens”. This is located in south-west of London and has 300 acres of amazing landscapes of temperate woodlands. I could see many kinds of plants, trees and others vegetables species. It was very good experience for me because I love spend my time in places as these, full of green.
On the other hand, was fun since I enjoyed of garden festivals, events and activities because Kew is celebrating the International Year of Biodiversity (2010 has been declared by United Nations)
I hope to go again.. but not just my imagination, if not with my body too =P!!
When I was a child, remember that I went out to play with my friends every afternoon. In front of my house there is a scenery that has U-shaped made up for the houses of my friends. My grandmother lives there too, so we had all that space to play in a safe way.
The games on my childhood weren’t as games currently. I belong to a generation a bit more classic or rather, I lived in a transition time (regarding to technology) I say it because not everyone had playstation nor computer, so the games should be played outside. These could be the typical games or also invented games in the moment, that to be accepted they should meet two requirements: be pretty fun and tiring at the same time.
Well, my neighborhood’s friends and I didn’t repeat the same games at one afternoon, since we had a lot of entertaining games such as: “quemaditas”, “pillarse”, “las naciones”, “tombo” among others. We always rotated them.
At that time, my favourite game was “escondida”. This game is about that someone should count to 10 with eyes closed for that the rest of the players are hide and then goes to find them. If someone can reach the base without getting caught, she/he wins.
We played at least four times a week. I loved play “escondida” because I was very good climbing trees (this was my best hiding place) and I was very fast too, which made me gain followed.
I don’t remember who taught me this game but nowadays, I just know that I couldn’t win as easily as before.
Thinking that many of my classmates are going to talk about Violeta Parra, Victor Jara and others.. I will take advantage this opportunity to talk about someone that few know.
The name Oscar Castro often sounds so common and many times goes unnoticed. Well, to who doesn’t know him, he was a great writer and poet. His style is defined as realist, soaked of melancholic. He had an impeccable metric and a great mastery on the composition of romances.. (I love his romances). He born on March 25, 1910 in Rancagua. He was autodidactic, because he had left the school for health problems.
I knew him through of my mother (she’s a Language Teacher, so obviously she always told me about writers and poets) In fact, when I was on my first year at high school I represented: “romance del hombre nocturno”, I recited and acted at once.
I consider that he is important for Chili, because he doesn’t just contributed to poetry Chilean, if not also in his writings he included part of Chilean history. For this reason, I want more people knows him, and I think this is an opportunity to appreciate the work of a compatriot, we need out of the cliché.
If I could talk to him I wouldn't ask anything, I would say him: teach me to see reality as your and write as your, because even though your work isn't recognized, I appreciate it.
Well, I leave you two romances more his, both are sung by “Los Cuatro de Chile”