Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Vîcky Teacherrrrrrrr!!! xD

Hi, when happened the earthquake I was slept on my bead(Sp)
with my husband and my little daughter Sofi, I was first to
waked up (WF). We ware (Sp) to the front door of the house, with my
daughter on my arms. I felt to (WW) earthquake was eternally
but my husband didn’t felt the time (WF). He is Spanish an (Sp) is
very stranger to (WW) happened earthquake there. When finished
that we remembered what missing (WF)our daughter Constanza,
she was in her bedroom. I didn’t liked was(WF) a noise of alarm
of the cars, that was very irritating (WW). We didn`t (V) lantern and
we had to light (V) whit (Sp) candle. My husband could called by
phone to talked (WF) with his parents. In the morning we saw
our kitchen (P) we didn’t has (WW) any glass or dishes. Fortunately
we had all the basic services including the internet and paid
television. We live in an apartment on the 10th floor, and (V)
felt very strong the earthquake.

Sorry Vivi!!!!!!!!! =(


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